Hi! We are Erin and Todd.
Lovers of travel and adventure. Late-night musings of where in the world we should visit dominated conversation while we were dating. And just six months after getting married, the first adventure was on the horizon when Todd transferred to Paris in January 2008.
Those first six months turned into over two years of travel as we meandered our way through Southern Africa, and Central and South America. We didn’t have regular access to the internet. Just a flip phone, travel books, the word of other adventurers, and a Skype account. Upon returning to the States in Spring of 2010, we promised ourselves that once a decade we would travel for an extended period of time.
Life got complicated over those next ten years as we settled into our jobs and life in Durham, NC. The responsibilities of adult life ever catching up to us. The conversation of where to next and when can we make this happen was a common discussion in our house.
Unanchor was founded in 2010 to help travelers answer the ever-looming question of ‘what to do’ when on vacation. Helping them weed through the multitude of options and see a city through the eyes of a local. Seeing a city through the heart of a local alignes with our travel style. While we love the decadent side of travel, we always prefer to engage with a culture versus being isolated from them. As most travelers can attest, it's often a tough mark to hit.
Unanchor is growing into new spaces in an exciting way that will have it's ups, downs and everything in between. That's just like any trip, I suppose, and the unknown is what makes it so enjoyable and satisfying.